Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Raspberry Quark-Cream Cake

This cake is wonderful for every raspberry lover. Beautiful raspberries lay on a light quark-cream on top of a soft almond flavored cake. Unfortunately the raspberry season was very short here this year, but this cake would also taste great with blackberries or blueberries. Make sure to reserve enough time for cooling.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Mixed Berry and Hazelnut Dacquoise for my 4th Blog Anniversary!

This post marks the fourth anniversary of Berry Lovely. As with every anniversary I always make a berry cake. This time it is a hazelnut dacquoise filled with a mascarpone berry cream and topped with some beautiful fresh berries from our garden.

Make sure to give enough time for cooling, since it will make it easier to cut. You can also make this cake with a single berry of your choice, like just strawberries would probably taste great.